Monday, May 16, 2011

summer tomatoes and being somewhat sophisticated

Major League Baseball is in full swing (haha… full swing), fireflies can be seen at night, and the community swimming pool is now running full hours. So, how do I know that summer is about to begin? Clearly because my tomato plants, that I have affectionately dubbed Thelma and Louise, are BLOOMING! I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my first tomato but my plants are flowering none the less! This exciting time, in my backyard’s otherwise rather boring existence, got me thinking about all the ways that I could use my new produce. After my mother convinced me that chili is for cold weather and I did not need to make that, I came up with SALAD! What is better during the summer than a fresh salad? Nothing, right? Therefore, I offer up this feeble attempt at sophistication with a fresh and healthy summer starter! Enjoy!
-tomatoes (sliced)
-fresh mozzarella (sliced)- I usually buy a large chunk and slice it myself
-romaine lettuce
-basil (I grow this in my kitchen but I used to just buy a few leaves and slice them up)
-balsamic vinaigrette
1)      Cut tomatoes and mozzarella to similarly sized slices
2)      Place romaine lettuce on serving dish
3)      Alternate the tomatoes and mozzarella in a diagonal across the dish (one on top of the other)
4)      Sprinkle basil and then balsamic vinaigrette on top of the dish
5)      Season with salt and pepper (optional)

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